About Me
I think women can do anything their heart desires.
As long as they just take the first step they are already on their way to success.
I created Aweea for so many reasons but it has evolved to support Muslim businesses through YouTube, Social Media, extensive business lists, and empowerment events.
I also love to make lists. I make lists for everything in my life why not a list that can benefit other people?
Although it may look like an organization, this is a one-woman business. It took a lot of hours (actually years), sweat, and sometimes tears to work on YouTube projects, create business lists, and more.
I find it so inspiring how many people have started their own businesses and working hard to create something for themselves. I hope to at least be a stepping stone for those looking to support Muslim businesses by making it easier to find them.
That is the least I can do for my Muslim sisters around the world.